Best-in-Class Workforce Optimization For a 6th Straight Year
Zebra Workcloud Workforce by Nucleus Research
Zebra Workcloud Workforce Optimization Suite cited as industry leader for sixth consecutive year by Nucleus Research
Once again, Zebra Technologies is being recognized in the Leader category of Nucleus Research’s Workforce Management Technology Value Matrix! This placement reinforces our ability to help our customers drive efficiency in store operations, elevate front-line engagement, and deliver a Modern Store experience. 

As a Leader in Workforce Management, Zebra Workcloud Workforce Optimization Suite:

  • Uses sophisticated planning and forecasting to generate schedules that align staffing needs to customer demands  
  • Improves employee engagement and reduces turnover by giving employees modern tools and flexibility over their schedules
  • Accurately tracks time entry and labor to control costs and maintain compliance with labor laws and regulations
  • Streamlines task management to increase productivity and provide clarity of purpose
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