Doctor and nurse reviewing information on a Zebra tablet

Whenever Healthcare Finds Its Edge,
Zebra Is There.

You’re on a mission to provide the best care possible, but to do that, your frontline workers require instant access to patient records, real time updates on treatment plans and a communication platform that keeps them connected to their team. Make sure they aren’t tied down with unnecessary workarounds and give them the power to optimize workflows, reduce medical errors and spend more time on patient care. We’re here to help you restore your team’s power and power their purpose. Because whenever healthcare professionals find their edge, Zebra is there.

Explore Healthcare-Ready Solutions

A nurse using a Zebra scanner to scan a patient's id band before giving him his medicine

This is the Future of Healthcare

Zebra’s Hospital Vision Study 2022 delivers insights from healthcare decision-makers and professionals on the ways you can adapt mobile technology to optimize your facility.

Doctor typing on a laptop while a nurse shares information from a Zebra mobile computer

Here’s How You Can Reduce Workarounds

Empower your clinicians to implement long-term solutions for everyday challenges by using Zebra technology to access medical records in real time, reduce errors and improve patient outcomes.

Nurse referencing a Zebra mobile computer while looking for supplies in the stockroom

Help Your Team Deliver the Best Care Possible by Locating Medical Assets

Learn how to manage your medical equipment more efficiently to ensure your staff can locate every asset when their patients’ need it most.

Two nurses reviewing information on a Zebra tablet

Zebra Shows You What's Important, What's Critical and What's Next in Healthcare

You may not always see Zebra solutions, but they are on the front-line connecting clinicians with essential data, delivering instant access to medical records, reducing errors and allowing caregivers to spend more time focusing on patients.

A nurse moving a patient's bed down the hall while another nurse references the patient's information on a Zebra mobile computer

Performance That’s Focused on Patient Care

Whatever your healthcare needs, there’s a Zebra solution for you. Find the one that gives your team more power to solve and more time for care.