Empower Your  
Retail Workers
With Zebra Workforce Connect
When you empower your frontline with transformative technology, workflows improve, customer satisfaction goes up and profit margins widen. But disconnected communications can keep retail workers from serving your customers. It’s time to close the gaps and open the possibilities with Zebra Workforce Connect™.
Turn Retail Workers into
Retail workers on the frontline spend more time completing transactions than interacting with customers. Your frontline lacks the transformative technologies they need to solve problems and complete high-impact tasks.
Instead, consolidate retail workflows into one fully connected platform with Workforce Connect. When information flows freely and collaboration happens naturally, workers move away from task-oriented work and break out of their silos.
Elevate the Customer Experience
  • Speed curbside pickup with text notifications
  • Enable on-demand assistance with push-to-talk messaging
  • Provide self-help kiosks and alert nearby associates for assistance
  • Unify communications to answer calls anywhere
Enhance Associate Collaboration
  • Connect associates for easy communication
  • Chat one-to-one or one-to-many, by department, group or location
  • Save time by locating people and assets quickly
  • Send storewide announcements for store specials or urgent information
85% of associates say technology helps them provide a safe experience
Close retail gaps and open the possibilities with Workforce Connect
Calculate Your Return on Investment
What’s your ROI? Whether you’re pairing down devices or streamlining frontline communication, our calculator will show you the power of your investment with Workforce Connect.
Unify and Transform Operations
Deliver a new era of retail to your frontline workers with Workforce Connect. End delays and disconnections by consolidating workflows in one place, on one device.
Make an Impact Where it Counts
Close the gap and empower your workers with Workforce Connect—the most complete solution for your frontline. Schedule a call with a Zebra representative and unleash the possibilities.
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