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Optimize Mobility with
Wearable Solutions

Promote Faster, More Efficient Picking

With labor market challenges, it's key to make picking operations less stressful and more appealing. Utilizing user-friendly, modern technology allows workers to do their best with solutions designed to help them achieve more.

Wearable Comfort for the Worker of the Future

Give workers the ability to use their total dexterity and focus during picking operations. Head-mounted displays, ring scanners and wearable mobile computers enable guided picking experiences that promote confidence, accuracy and increased productivity.

Explore ways to accelerate picking Wearable Comfort for the Worker of the Future

Line Make picking comfortable and productive

WT6300 Wearable Computer WT6300
Wearable Computer

At the crossroad of comfort and function, these mobile computers deliver the dexterity needed to pick easily and safely—all with the processing power to accurately record each transaction.

Line Go anywhere with a wearable scanner

RS5100 Single-Finger Bluetooth® Ring Scanner RS5100
Single-Finger Bluetooth® Ring Scanner

Ideal for picking, this small, lightweight ring scanner gives workers the stamina and comfort to handle high volumes and capture more data. LED lights verify each successful scan.

Line Line-of-sight instructions accelerate pick rates

HD4000 Enterprise Head-Mounted Display HD4000
Enterprise Head-Mounted Display

Direct workers' next action while they keep their hands free to pick without slowing down. This head-mounted device reduces eye fatigue and increases comfort for full-shift wearability of the featherlight weight of the device.

Line Print on-the-go

ZQ630 Mobile Printer ZQ630
Mobile Printer

Reduce errors and label items with customer order number at the point of picking. Ensure workers are always connected with the latest wireless technology and full-shift battery power.

WT6300 Wearable Computer WT6300
Wearable Computer

At the crossroad of comfort and function, these mobile computers deliver the dexterity needed to pick easily and safely—all with the processing power to accurately record each transaction.

RS5100 Single-Finger Bluetooth® Ring Scanner RS5100
Single-Finger Bluetooth® Ring Scanner

Ideal for picking, this small, lightweight ring scanner gives workers the stamina and comfort to handle high volumes and capture more data. LED lights verify each successful scan.

HD4000 Enterprise Head-Mounted Display HD4000
Enterprise Head-Mounted Display

Direct workers' next action while they keep their hands free to pick without slowing down. This head-mounted device reduces eye fatigue and increases comfort for full-shift wearability of the featherlight weight of the device.

ZQ630 Mobile Printer ZQ630
Mobile Printer

Reduce errors and label items with customer order number at the point of picking. Ensure workers are always connected with the latest wireless technology and full-shift battery power.

Warehousing VIsion Study

Technology is Enhancing Human Capabilities

Learn the priorities and views of 1,400 IT and warehouse professionals

What are they planning and what do they agree is optimal for operations?

  • 88% cited worker comfort and ergonomics as a top labor initiative
  • 62% plan to upgrade or add wearable computers by 2022
  • 75% agreed that worker augmentation and partial automation is optimal for picking operations
Warehousing VIsion Study